Andy Huntington Interaction & Sound

Cylinder grew out of a desire to create truly complex objects which hint at the overwhelming detail present in nature. Working with Drew Allan we wished to create algorhythmically generated works which would be rapid prototyped using techniques capable of sculpting extremely complex objects.

However, instead of using code to generate complexity we turned our attention to capturing natural complexity. Taking sound frequencies within the range of human hearing over a short period of time we rendered them in a tangible and permanent manner, as sculptures representing a sample of time.

The software created for this purpose allows variations in resolution (both in time and frequency) and outputs an STL file which can be sent for rapid prototyping.

In addition to caputuring music we took sound samples from spaces, creating site specific sculptures reflecting the acoustic of an environment.


Für Madlen interesant:-)

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2 Kommentare zu “Andy Huntington Interaction & Sound

  1. Ayayay, da muss ich kurz mal meinen – in diesem Fall leider ätzenden – Senf dazugeben: was da so symbolisch aufgeladen daherstolziert, sind offensichtlich trivialste FFTs im Gewand eines nicht minder trivialen Rotationskörpers. Ich kann/will diesen grauenhaft einfallslosen Kram nicht mehr sehen. Das ist leider nicht cool sondern absolut armselig. Bitte NICHT davon inspirieren lassen – eure Köpfe sind garantiert zu besserem fähig. 🙂

Hinterlasse eine Antwort zu Sascha Brossmann Antwort abbrechen